Separation anxiety

Just like humans, dogs experience anxiety. While unpleasant, it is a normal and also healthy emotion. Dog anxiety can affect all breeds, but may affect each individual dog differently.While some dogs will present an entire of less-than-ideal symptoms, symptoms may not be so easily detectable among other dogs.

A “normal” dog sleeps or rests when their owners are out. A dog that has separation anxiety presents one or more of the following behaviours:

  • Destructive behaviour (things, furniture, etc.)
  • House soiling – urine or droppings
  • Barking/Howling
  • Panting
  • Anorexia – doesn’t eat food or treats
  • Excessive salivation – puddles of saliva are found upon return
  • Escape attempts – scratching/biting cage bars or door frames
  • Excessively active – cannot stop moving

When owners are getting ready to leave the home, one or more of the following behaviours may be present:

  • Shaking
  • Panting
  • Whimpering
  • Excessive salivation
  • Keeping close proximity
  • Refusing to go into their cage
  • Attempting to prevent departure going as far as aggressive behaviour

Upon their owners’ return, dogs that have separation anxiety tend to greet them very energetically, no matter the length of their absence.

Explaining the behaviour

Separation anxiety is a feeling of distress that a dog exhibits when it can’t be in contact with their attachment figure, usually their owners. Dogs with separation anxiety are more likely to present other anxiety-related issues such as a phobia of storms and/or of loud noises.

This behaviour can also be seen in cats.

Helping Your Pet

Filming your dog when he is alone will allow the veterinarian to confirm a separation anxiety diagnosis and to monitor its progress.

Most dogs need medication to be able to effectively control their separation anxiety and then be able to learn how to stay alone without panicking. Make an appointment with your veterinarian so they can recommend the appropriate medication and length of treatment required.

Until your veterinary appointment, try not to leave the dog alone, this could mean getting a dog sitter, if you can. If this is not an option, we recommend to leave the house calmly and swiftly, without making a fuss. Leaving calming music on and a (safe) toy stuffed with food available. When you arrive home, wait until the dog calms down before paying attention. If there is house soiling, don’t punish him! It is not an act of vengeance, but rather a consequence of the discomfort he feels when he is alone. That being said, grounding the dog at this point would mean nothing because he would not establish the relation between the unwanted behaviour and the punishment. This could even make things worse and cause even more stress and anxiety.


There is no quick fix to separation anxiety. You must show patience and understanding and acknowledge your dog’s distress. Keep a high level of exercise and mental stimulation will help prevent such a behaviour in your friend. Don’t hesitate to consult with your veterinary team for advices.

Have more questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact the Passionimo veterinary clinic near you.