Desensitizing your pet to ear cleaning

Whether you want your young pet to get used to ear cleaning, or you are experiencing trouble cleaning your adult pet’s ears at the moment, these few steps will help you teach your animal that having their ears cleaned can be a pleasant experience. Make sure to use their favourite treats, take your time, and avoid reprimanding them which will only prevent you from reaching your goals. If things don’t work out, please reach out to your veterinary team for help.

You can consult our ear cleaning training and desensitization chart.

You can also watch our demonstration video : 

Build a positive relationship with cotton pads and the ear cleanser bottle

Show the cotton pads and/or the ear cleansing solution bottle without touching your pet’s ears and give them a treat every time you show them the items. Then, hide the cotton pads and/or the bottle and stop giving them treats. Repeat this several times during each practice session. The goal is to make them understand that when they see the notorious cleansing solution bottle there are treats attached to it!

Teach your pet that it is pleasant to have their ears touched

Every time you touch your pet’s ears, reward them a treat. Make sure that you can touch them, flip them on top of their head, keep them open, and touch the entrance of the ear canal without your pet showing signs of stress.

Repeat these manipulations a few times each practice session, making sure that there is always a treat with each of them.

Mimic cleaning the ear with a dry cotton pad

Using a dry cotton pad, mimic cleaning the ear’s pinna. Wipe the pinna and give a reward every time. Moving forward, increase the number of wipes before giving the reward. Pay attention to your animal’s body language.

Mimic applying ear cleanser or medication in the ear

Using a closed ear cleansing solution bottle, mimic applying the solution in the ear. Flip the pinna and hold the ear at the base like you did in Step 2.

Proceed to the actual ear cleaning

Once your animal is used to the manipulations, and cooperates when presented with the cleansing solution bottle, you can start cleaning the ear lightly. The goal is to gradually moving toward a more thorough cleansing. If the ear is not dirty, simply pour a few drops of cleansing solution on the cotton pad and wipe once or twice. To practice filling and massaging the ear canal, only use a little bit of ear cleansing solution rather than filling up the ear canal. We want to mimic the situation as much as possible in preparation for an actual deep cleaning in the future.

Have more questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact the Passionimo veterinary clinic near you.